This post is once again reaching back into the archives to last summer’s trip to Vancouver. Sara and I decided to take the Sea to Sky on our trip back to Edmonton. On the way we stopped for a short hike at Lighthouse Park in West Vancouver. Sara was eager to check out the intertidal zone so we walked along Beacon Lane Trail as directly as possible (no mean feat for me when naturalizing) to the rocky shore at the south end of the park. I spent a bunch of time hoping between rocks shooting the California Sea Slaters and wildflowers growing in cracks. While introduced, Goldmoss Stonecrop was one of the most striking flowers growing along the shore. Its succulent sessile leaves and bright yellow flowers make this plant very distinctive.
While the birding wasn’t spectacular, I did add Townsend Warbler to my life list. I was also able to get some decent shots of a Chestnut-backed Chickadee although the focus is a bit soft as my camera was still set on Aperture priority from earlier macro work; it is a common hazard when switching from macro to telephoto. We saw or heard 16 bird species in three hours (for full sightings see KMZ file below) while birding along the shore and on our return trip down the valley trail.
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