Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Nikon D5100, 105 mm f/2.8
February 16, 2014
This hapless caddisfly blundered into my cage lighting down in the annex before I captured and photographed her (the 5 segmented maxillary palps makes this Limnephilid a female). I’m still waiting on confirmation of the genus on BugGuide but this caddisfly certainly seems consistent with Psychoglypha. I have a few more shots on BugGuide if anyone can help with an identification.
With this caddisfly I have observed 8 different insect orders down in the science research annex. It’s surprising what you can see when you spend enough time observing in one place, even if that place is a series of tiny windowless rooms. You can see some photos of the other orders here.
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